Replacement Well No. 1A Pump Station and Chemical Feed Building with SCADA Upgrades
Weston & Sampson designed a replacement well pump station and chemical feed building for the town of Williamstown’s Well No. 1A, a new 18-inch-diameter, 153-foot-deep artesian well.
The existing SCADA system was replaced with a robust communication and telemetry system. Weston & Sampson conducted a radio path survey, which recommended using the 900-MHz frequency. Additional system components included a new SCADA computer with Wonderware® software, Win911 for alarming and PCAnywhere for remote operator access into the system. New control panels were constructed and installed at two well pump stations, two water storage tanks, and at a booster pump station.
- Wonderware®
- Win911 for Alarming
- PCAnywhere for Remote Login
- Allen Bradley PLCs