School Bus Maintenance Facility Services

As part of a school bus maintenance facility project in the Town of Concord for use by the Concord-Carlisle Regional School District, Weston & Sampson was responsible for the comprehensive architectural/engineering design and construction of a new 6,000-square-foot facility, as well as bus parking and fueling facilities.

Since the new facility is located on a former Superfund site, our project team coordinated with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). As part of our work, we also addressed a gas main crossing and the use of innovative technologies to treat on-site groundwater for domestic use.

The new school bus maintenance facility structure is a pre-engineered metal building with four school bus garage bays that are high enough for lifting and maintaining the buses, including one pull-through bus maintenance bay. Work included the relocation and reuse of an existing 6-post mobile column lift. Our efforts also included the design and installation of an electric vehicle (EV) bus charging station.

The structure also includes new employee facilities and maintenance support spaces.





  • design & construction of a four-bay school bus maintenance facility
  • former superfund site
  • coordination with DEP & EPA
  • innovative on-site groundwater treatment
  • employee facilities and maintenance support spaces
  • EV bus charging station

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