Resilient Design

425 Medford Street Master Plan

425 Medford Street – Resilient Waterfront Master Planning

Charlestown, Massachusetts
Weston & Sampson is currently working with The Flatley Company and NELSON Worldwide on a master plan design for a 55-acre waterfront site in Charlestown. This mixed-use development prioritizes addressing existing and future site flooding from predicted 2070 sea level rise and climate change by incorporating a resilient flood barrier within a system of new public open spaces. By raising the existing grades along the waterfront, a hierarchy of new pedestrian open spaces are created, offering users a multitude of spatial experiences.

BPDA East Boston Waterfront

East Boston – Climate Resilient Coastal Waterfront Design

Boston Planning & Development Agency
Weston & Sampson was selected as part of a team to develop design options that advance flood protection along parts of the East Boston waterfront while at the same time ensuring waterfront access and enhancing nearby coastal habitat.

NCDOT Resiliency Design and Construction

NCDOT Resiliency

Owner’s representative services to advise NCDOT on climate change vulnerability and resiliency-related transportation infrastructure projects.