Offering a broad range of client-focused environmental consulting services, Weston & Sampson assists clients in the clean-up of sites of environmental concern with services, including: 

  • Site investigation and assessment
  • Hazardous waste assessment and remediation
  • Environmental site assessment for real estate transactions
  • Remedial design and implementation
  • Brownfields development
  • Landfill, transfer station, and post-closure reuse
  • Building demolition
  • Feasibility studies
  • Human health and ecological risk characterization
  • Waste minimization/source reduction
  • Industrial waste treatment/pre-treatment
  • Licensed Site Professional and Licensed Environmental Professional services
  • Environmental permitting, management systems, and compliance audits
  • Underground and aboveground storage tank (UST/AST) closures, design, and construction services
  • PFAS and emerging contaminants
  • Electric vehicle (EV) charging station services
  • Grant identification and writing, management, and reporting.

Weston & Sampson understands the issues associated with environmental remediation, risk assessment, and property redevelopment, and has years of experience working with several classes of contaminants found in various environmental media. Our specialists review site-specific data to select effective strategies to meet the goals of our client and regulatory requirements while evaluating remedial technologies for system effectiveness, duration of cleanup, and cost. Our professionals include engineers of various disciplines (environmental, chemical, geotechnical, and water resource), geologists, hydrogeologists, scientists, and wetlands and permitting specialists.

We have designed and implemented numerous groundwater recovery and treatment systems. Our proven planning methods allow us to provide cost savings, significantly reduce construction delays, minimize health and safety risks, and ensure timely document submission. Many of our clients have benefited from our ability to maintain project schedules despite encountering hazardous materials during construction and to design innovative solutions that reduce regulatory reporting requirements.

News & Highlights

Technician installing VFDs on well pumps at a water treatment plant The Eversource Business Energy Advantage Program Helps Businesses Achieve Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Goals - By Rebecca Mauser-Hoye. Eversource’s Business Energy Advantage (BEA) Program is designed to provide cost-effective, turnkey services for medium-sized business customers to help them achieve energy efficiency targets, lower their carbon footprint, and improve building operations. The goal of the program is to help them make small investments that together can generate large benefits for their bottom line and for the environment.
People talking a pop up tent in a park for community engagement. Chicopee’s Willimansett Brownfields Area-Wide Plan: How Brownfields Can Become Catalysts for Neighborhood Reinvestment - By Cassie Bethoney. Like many mill towns in the region, the neighborhood of Willimansett in Chicopee, Massachusetts followed a pattern of urban development and had been one of the area’s most thriving industrial centers for over a century. During that time, the neighborhood was almost entirely built out with few land parcels left undeveloped. However, during the mid-20thcentury, businesses began closing, leaving these industrial facilities and structures empty and unused.

Contact Our Environmental Experts to learn more about how we can assist your community