Investigation, Evaluation, Design, Bidding, and Construction Administration
Weston & Sampson provides quality investigation, evaluation, design, bidding, and construction administration services for wastewater collection and treatment systems. We have assisted communities with wastewater engineering projects that vary from small rural and private wastewater management systems to large urban municipal wastewater treatment systems. Weston & Sampson creates innovative, cost-efficient, and time-conserving alternatives and solutions that result in accurate information and valuable project recommendations. Our wastewater engineering services include:
- Innovative/alternative wastewater management
- Sewer system and wastewater treatment systems planning, design, and construction services
- Preliminary and final sewer and pump station design and construction services
- Septic system management programs
- Infiltration/Inflow studies and Sewer System Evaluation Surveys
- Operation and maintenance services and system start-up
- Sewer betterment assessments and sewer user charges and regulations
- Brewery wastewater treatment services
- Grant identification and writing, management, reporting
News & Highlights

Contact Our Wastewater Experts to learn more about how we can assist your community
Wastewater Treatment
Wastewater Clarifier System Upgrades
PFAS at Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Landfill Leachate
Digester Evaluation
Design of Biogas System
Water Pollution Control Facility Upgrade
DBO Wastewater Treatment Plant
Owner’s Engineer for WWTF DBO Improvements
Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade
Newburyport, MA
Pump Stations
Protected: Wastewater Pump Station Replacement and Modernization
Stormwater Pump Station No. 4 Improvements
Pump Station Design-Build
Wastewater Pump Station Installation and Rehabilitation
Sewer Pump Station
Replacement Well and Pumping Station
Well Pump Station and Well Field
Well Pump Station and Well Field
Pump Station Upgrades
Sewer Rehabilitation
Annual Inflow/Infiltration Program
Subaqueous Force Main Replacement
Flow Monitoring
Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study
Sewer System Evaluation Study
Trenchless Sewer System Rehabilitation
Wastewater Collection System Improvements
Evaluation of Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Systems
Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation
Sewer System Improvements