Statewide PFAS Response Plan
EPA- and VTDEC-regulation compliant response plan and guidance document for use by public water supplies when PFAS contaminants are detected.

PFAS Water System Response Actions
Burrillville, RI
Working with RIDEM, coordinated PFAS response actions for the Oakland Association water system, including public outreach, and a comprehensive investigation to locate PFAS source.

Southern NH Regional Water Project
New Hampshire
Project-wide design engineer for the Southern NH Regional Water Project (SNHRW), the single largest water supply initiative ever undertaken in NH, which included the design of over five miles of water mains to connect its member communities.

Unidirectional Flushing Programs
Unidirectional flushing programs for various communities.

Water Quality Modeling
Reading, MA
Updating the town’s water distribution system hydraulic model, to identify and prioritize improvements to the distribution system, and water quality.