Sharon High School – Geotechnical & Environmental Engineering

Weston & Sampson provided geotechnical and environmental engineering services for the feasibility, design, and construction phases of the new high school in Sharon, Massachusetts.

Weston & Sampson was part of the project design team with Tappe Associates, Inc., as lead architect. The project included a new two-story, 240,000-square-foot high school building and associated site improvements, including new roadway and parking areas, stormwater facilities, and athletic field improvements.

Weston & Sampson completed coordinated geotechnical and environmental investigation, sampling, and testing programs to evaluate geotechnical feasibility, identify environmental considerations for soil excavation and management, and provide geotechnical and environmental recommendations for design, construction, and environmental mitigation.

Geotechnical project considerations included existing uncontrolled fill and organic soils. To address settlement considerations, our recommended design included compacted stone columns for improvement of the existing fill to support conventional shallow foundations and a slab on-grade to reduce potential soil excavation and disposal costs. Environmental considerations included isolated areas of asphalt tar-impacted soil requiring removal and disposal as contamination “hot-spots.”

Weston & Sampson also provided construction monitoring and consulting services throughout ground improvement, earthwork, and foundation construction.




  • geotechnical and environmental investigation
  • ground improvements
  • contaminated soil management
  • foundation design recommendations

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