Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Project at Closed Needham Landfill
Weston & Sampson provided design and permitting-related services to prepare plans and secure required permits and approvals to develop a 3,592kW ground-mounted solar PV project on the cap of the closed landfill located in Needham, Massachusetts.
The system exports electricity to the local electrical grid and benefits the Town of Needham through net-metering and Power Purchase Agreements. Commercial operation was achieved in February 2016.
This project included filing a Post Closure Use permit on behalf of Town of Needham and developers, as required from Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The permit application required a review and description of the existing conditions at the landfill, including the cover system and regulatory status, along with a description of the proposed PV project including plans and specifications describing the nature and type of work proposed on the landfill cap.
Other permitting support included: preparation of Stormwater Notice of Intent National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) as required under the Clean Water Act; Project Notification Form and for review by the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC); Endangered Species Act compliance (MESA Checklist) to verify the site is not located within mapped habitat of rare and/or endangered species; a Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) and Wetlands Notice of Intent (NOI); and Water Quality Review as required local town bylaws and ordinances. Other local permits included Site Plan Review by the Planning and Zoning Boards and support for the Building and Electric Permit Applications.