Stone Culvert Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation of Stone Culvert

Weston & Sampson prepared final designs and construction bid documents and provided resident engineering inspection services for the rehabilitation of an existing stone culvert carrying Baiting Brook, a tributary to the Sudbury River, under Maple Street.

The Town of Framingham and Weston & Sampson collaborated to develop a cost-effective approach to this project that included:

  • Removing the existing granite roof slabs
  • Rehabilitation of the stone wall beam seats
  • Resetting new precast concrete beam seats backfilled with controlled density fill
  • Installation of a new roadway base and pavement section
  • Installation of new drainage and a new drainage outlet within the culvert

The project also involved installation of new deep sump catch basins, resetting of existing granite curb, reconstruction of the existing roadway and sidewalk, installation of new highway guard and rail system.

This project required filing of a Notice of Intent with the Conservation Commission in order to obtain an Order of Conditions and coordination with the Planning Board and DPW in order to obtain the necessary approvals for this project.


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