Stormwater Engineering Services

Implementation of Stormwater Enterprise Fund

The City of Framingham hired Weston & Sampson to conduct a feasibility study that examined the implementation of a stormwater enterprise fund to finance stormwater costs going forward. As part of this effort, we developed a MS4 Permit implementation plan that includes estimated compliance costs. The Stormwater Feasibility Study developed as part of this project included development of a fiveyear comprehensive stormwater management budget that captures the city’s stormwater needs, including both capital projects and non-capital items related to MS4 compliance, such as operation and maintenance of the drainage system, and associated staffing and equipment. We utilized this information to assist the city with the development of a dedicated stormwater funding mechanism, which includes a comprehensive impervious area delineation and development of potential fee structures. In addition, a credit policy and stormwater rules and regulations were developed to support the enterprise fund. We developed a public education and engagement plan that included development of various public engagement materials to aid in enterprise fund adoption, including an expanded Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document, FAQ handout, educational brochure, stormwater enterprise presentation, meeting flyer, and press release.

GIS Drainage Mapping

Weston & Sampson performed comprehensive GIS drainage mapping of stormwater infrastructure in Cushing Park. We developed a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for the park’s Operation & Maintenance Facility in compliance with the MS4 Permit.

Phosphorous Source Identification Report

Weston & Sampson developed a Phosphorous Source Identification Report for Lake Waushakum in compliance with the MS4 Permit and TMDL conditions. We performed dry and wet weather outfall screening and sampling, which was utilized to evaluate the phosphorus load at each outfall and correlate that load to impervious area, directly connected impervious area, and land use in the appropriate catchment area. We also prepared a watershed/phosphorus loading model based on land use to compare to the limited water quality sampling using the methods and approach required by MassDEP for conducting watershed-based plans. The information will be used to identify potential retrofit opportunities in high priority catchments. Retrofits may include decreasing impervious areas by removing impervious area or reducing total phosphorus load through the installation of structural BMPs during redevelopment projects. For each structural BMP or retrofit opportunity presented, Weston & Sampson will provide an estimate of the amount of phosphorus removed and planning level costs for the recommended improvements.


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