NPDES Phase II Small MS4 General Permit Stormwater Reporting
The Town of Salem selected Weston & Sampson to assist with reporting for their National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Stormwater General Permit. Weston & Sampson prepared a Notice of Intent (NOI) on the town’s behalf for coverage under the reissued General Permit and to complete the town’s Year 1 Annual Report. At that time, the General Permit had only been released in draft form by EPA, and preparation of the NOI and the Year 1 Annual Report were contingent upon release of the final permit. Weston & Sampson also completed the following:
- Attended a kick-off meeting with representatives of the town responsible for administering, monitoring, and enforcing stormwater management control measures.
- Conducted a detailed review of the requirements of the final reissued General Permit and provided the town with an outline that highlights NPDES Phase II goals and objectives for the Permit.
- Conducted a goals and objective session with the town to identify best management practices (BMPs) and measurable goals to be included as part of the NOI.
- Prepared a NOI and accompanying Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP).
- Met with the town to document progress made toward meeting the measurable goals outlined in the Notice of Intent for the first permit year and prepare the Year 1 Annual Report.
Additionally, Weston & Sampson completed the following on the town’s behalf:
- Reviewed BMPs identified during prior permit years as “ongoing” and verified status.
- Met with town officials to document status of Year 7 tasks and identify tasks requiring additional work.
- Developed a summary detailing work completed during Year 7 along with any supporting documentation for incorporation into a comprehensive document for the town’s use.
- Prepared the Year 7 Annual Report and submitted it to EPA and DES on behalf of the town.