Streetscape Improvements

Downtown Northbridge Improvements

The Town of Northbridge selected Weston & Sampson to provide comprehensive landscape architectural and engineering services for the design of downtown improvements. This design:

  • Enhanced the overall visual quality and character of the diverse land uses with a series of urban design/streetscape improvements
  • Provided a safe and secure environment for pedestrians accessing adjacent properties, business enterprises, po­tential mass transit nodes, and parking area
  • Provided safe, convenient, and obvi­ous circulation and connections for drivers passing through or visiting the district
  • Integrated recommendations resulting from the Parking and Downtown De­velopment Study completed by Weston & Sampson

Problems facing the project areas included inadequate parking and pedestrian circula­tion, vehicular circulation dominance that created relatively narrow or undefined sidewalks, and infrequent pedestrian havens with little or no ambiance or defin­able character.

Weston & Sampson worked with the com­munity and constituents to create an ambi­ance that people will enjoy, alert motorists to pedestrian circulation, and safely allow pedestrians to move throughout the areas. Additionally, our design will help present retail areas in a manner that encourages people to stop and visit.


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