Subsurface Utility Engineering Investigation – Dean E. Smith Center

Dean E. Smith Center, Chapel Hill, NC

Our firm performed a thorough investigation of the 4-acre site along Skipper Bowles Drive near the Dean E. Smith Activities Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. This area contains an estimated 16,500 linear feet of underground utilities including electrical, domestic water, steam, telecom, and gas. We performed a visual inspection and location of all necessary above-ground utility appurtenances and electronic sweeps to identify conductive materials. We marked all identified utilities with colored paint to represent the utility’s underground position. We surveyed and provided a CAD map depicting all designated and record drawings of underground utilities. We also provided five test holes to verify the depths of certain requested utilities.

Our firm performed a Site Topographic Survey that included:

  • Establishing horizontal and vertical datum from data for the adjoining project
  • Establishing two horizontal and two vertical control monuments within the project limits
  • Locating existing natural and man-made features
  • Vertical accuracy to provide one foot (1’) contour intervals
  • Inverts of gravity-flow systems
  • Locating “significant or specimen” trees
  • NCAC Class A topographic survey
  • Locating easements or setbacks


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