Survey and Design Services for Intersection and Park Entrance Improvements
Weston & Sampson was retained by the City of Northampton to provide survey and design services for the improvements to the intersection of North Main Street (Route 9), Bridge Road, and the entrance to Look Park. Data showed that, over a 3-year period, the existing intersection experienced heavy traffic volumes (nearly 30,000 vehicles per day), significant queuing, and nearly 30 serious accidents. The intersection serves as a link between Look Memorial Park, the Norwattuck Rail Trail, the Northampton Bikeway, the J.F. Kennedy School, Bear Hill Estates (an over-55 community), a residential neighborhood and a bus stop, resulting in substantial pedestrian and bicycle activity through the project corridor.
Weston & Sampson performed vehicle traffic counts and an intersection analysis. Through several meetings with the city, Look Park representatives and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), a decision was made to incorporate an unsignalized roundabout at the intersection.
Weston & Sampson prepared and submitted preliminary (25%) and final (75%, 100% and PS&E) design to MassDOT for review and approval, which included a Functional Design Report (FDR), early environmental coordination, attendance at a 25% Design Public Hearing, coordination with utility owners, soil test pits, and initiation of a public participation program. Features of the first roundabout constructed by MassDOT in western Massachusetts included ornamental lighting, monitoring cameras, resin truck apron and crosswalks, a bicycle bypass ramp, landscaping and a connection between the Norwattuck Rail Trail and the Northampton Bikeway.
The project was designed, advertised, and completed six months ahead of schedule and under budget.