“Stone Soup,” authored by Cheri Ruane, FASLA, explores the concept of resilient parks and their significance in mitigating climate change impacts, one step at a time.
Tag Archives: climate resiliency
ACEC Engineering Excellence Award for RMAT
Weston & Sampson has earned a National Recognition Award in the ACEC 56th annual EEAs for our role in the RMAT’s Climate Resilience Design Standards tool.
Resilient MA Action Team (RMAT) Statewide Climate Resilience Design Standards Tool
Weston & Sampson is proud to have served as the lead technical consultant for the Resilient MA Action Team (RMAT) in developing the Statewide Climate Resilience Design Standards Tool, which was recently released by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs.
Moakley Park Vision Plan – Climate Resilient Park Design
Boston, MA
Team member in the climate resilient schematic design phase of Moakley Park providing climate resilience, geotechnical, environmental, groundwater, landscape architecture (fields), structural, and architectural services.
Ghosh Featured Speaker at CRWA Webinar “Building Resilience Across the Charles River Watershed”
Indrani Ghosh, PhD, will be a featured speaker during a CRWA webinar entitled “Building Resilience Across the Charles River Watershed.”
Ghosh Presents at ReACT: Resilient Infrastructure in Action Conference
Indrani Ghosh, Ph.D., Resiliency Technical Leader at Weston & Sampson, made two presentations during the recent ReACT: Resilient Infrastructure in Action Conference sponsored by the New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA).
Ghosh Presents at “Building One Waterfront” Speaker Series
Indrani Ghosh, Ph.D., Resiliency Technical Leader at Weston & Sampson, presented as part of the “Building One Waterfront” speaker series hosted by The Trustees of Reservations.
Eaton Ernst Discusses Approach to Moakley Park
Julie Eaton Ernst was recently quoted in a Dorchester Reporter article regarding our project team’s approach for the redesign of Moakley Park on South Boston’s waterfront.
Eaton Ernst Co-Chairs Climate Adaptation Forum
Julie Eaton Ernst will be co-chairing this November’s Climate Adaptation Forum titled “Creating Connections: Resilience and Equity in Transportation.” The webinar forum will take place on Friday, November 20, 2020 from 10:00am – 1:00pm.
Online Engagement for Stormwater Management
Online Engagement for Stormwater Management
Developed and implemented an equitable outreach strategy to reach traditionally underrepresented people in the community to gain input on a resilient stormwater management capital improvement plan to reduce flooding and urban heat island effect.