GIS PFAS Risk Evaluation Toolkit

GIS-Based PFAS Risk Evaluation Toolkit

Weston & Sampson assisted the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP) in developing a comprehensive GIS-based toolkit to evaluate relative PFAS release risks across the state. The toolkit was designed as a web app hosted in the CTDEEP’s ArcGIS Online organization.

Chelmsford DPW Yard PFAS Map

DPW Yard PFAS Investigation and Remediation

Weston & Sampson was selected by the Town of Chelmsford to provide Licensed Site Professional (LSP) and remediation services in connection with the detection of per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) compounds in the groundwater resources beneath the town’s Department of Public Works (DPW) yard.

Barnstable Hyannis New Source Evaluation Criteria

New Source Investigation Study

Weston & Sampson assisted the Barnstable-Hyannis Water System with a new source alternatives analysis, capital improvement recommendations, screening analysis, groundwater modeling simulations, and groundwater supply investigations.