“Stone Soup,” authored by Cheri Ruane, FASLA, explores the concept of resilient parks and their significance in mitigating climate change impacts, one step at a time.
Tag Archives: inclusive parks
Coes Reservoir
Worcester, MA
Evaluation of existing conditions, dam rehabilitation, and design improvements at Coes Reservoir.
Danehy Park – Universal Design Playground
City of Cambridge, MA
Weston & Sampson worked with the city to design and construct a new playground at Danehy Park in Cambridge, MA using Universal Design principles.
Inclusive Playground Design
Plano, TX
Fully inclusive, ADA-accessible playground design in the City of Plano, TX at Windhaven Meadows Park.
Open Space Master Plan Harambee Park
Dorchester, MA
Master plan for open space at Harambee Park, including active and passive recreation.
Mayor Thomas M. Menino Park, Boston, MA
Boston, MA
First fully-accessible playground in the City of Boston, MA.