Achieving universal accessibility at Crystal Lake’s shoreline park By Cassie Bethoney One of only a few public parks along the shores of Crystal Lake, Louise Levingston Cove is a linear, half-acre public park located in a residential neighborhood. Crystal Lake, and Levingston Cove in particular, is a place of nostalgia, where people learned to fish […]
Tag Archives: Newton
Stormwater Infrastructure Improvement Plan
Newton, MA
Multi-year capital improvement plan for the city’s stormwater system, enabling them to plan and prioritize stormwater projects, obtain funding, help protect flood-prone areas, improve water quality, and comply with the extensive requirements of the 2016 MS4 General Permit.
Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation
Newton, MA
Document inventory of conditions and design plans for the Cochichuate Aqueduct sanitary sewer rehabilitation.
Capital Improvement Program
Newton, MA
Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the city’s wastewater collection system
Pump Station Operations & Maintenance
Newton, MA
Daily O&M for the Quinobequin pump station.