A child walking on a trail surrounded by trees.

Dorchester County Greenbelt Master Plan

By Kim Morganello, Lucas Hernandez and Rachel Cotter, RLA. Dorchester County, South Carolina, is home to diverse ecosystems, including swamps, blackwater rivers, bottomland hardwood forests, longleaf pine savannahs and tidal marshes. Residents and visitors can partake in outdoor recreational activities across the county’s vast park system, trails, waterways and forests. The county, however, has undergone significant growth and development in recent years, and has embraced the challenge of managing rapid urban growth while also trying to mitigate environmental damage and degradation.

Map of Boston showing EV Charging stations.

Using GIS as a Tool to Site New Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Weston & Sampson is in the process of executing an important project for the City of Boston to help guide curbside electric vehicle (EV) charging station installations within the city and help meet their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions target. The project goals include identifying 30 suitable curbside locations throughout the city for successful EV […]

A soccer field with green grass and trees behind the field.

A Tale of Two Fields

Emily Weckman authored an article in PBR+ entitled, “A Tale of Two Fields: getting the drainage right in the athletic fields” that details Weston & Sampson’s work to redesign two parks with different drainage needs.

Dynamic Park Design

Gracie Swansburg authored an article in Parks & Recreation entitled, “Dynamic Park Design” that details Weston & Sampson’s work to redesign two Boston area parks to manage the impacts of climate change.