Weston & Sampson will be working alongside the City of Albany, New York’s Department of Planning & Development to hold a virtual public meeting to discuss a study to assess the current condition of the Hudson River’s shoreline in Albany and create a strategy for restoring and enhancing the riverfront.
Tag Archives: resiliency news
Congratulations Massachusetts MVP Action Grant Fund Recipients
Weston & Sampson congratulates all of the Massachusetts communities that received funding under the most recent round of the Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program.
Scipione Moderates EBC Infrastructure Leadership Webinar
Michael Scipione will moderate EBC’s Infrastructure Leadership Webinar “Update on MassDOT Program Priorities and Climate Initiatives” on 9/16/2020.
EBC Resilient Design Webinar
Julie Eaton Ernst, Brandon Kunkel, and Gene Bolinger will lead the next in a series of EBCNE webinars, discussing the refurbishment of Langone Park & Puopolo Playground.
Jim Riordan to Serve as APA Webinar Instructor
Weston & Sampson’s Jim Riordan, AICP, LEED® AP will serve as an instructor for an upcoming American Planning Association (APA) webinar entitled “Preparing to Plan for Climate Change—What Tools Do We Need?”
Scipione Chairs Webinar on Water Resource Challenges
Michael Scipione, PE will be co-chairing an upcoming EBC Water Resources Webinar on “Challenges Facing our Water Resources under a Changing Climate.”
EBCNE Climate Change Leadership Webinar Series
Julie Eaton Ernst, PE moderated and Cheri Ruane, FASLA was a presenter as part of the Environmental Business Council of New England, Inc.’s Climate Change Leadership Webinar Series held in June 2020. The presentation was titled “Forward Thinking Climate Resiliency – The Moakley Park Project.”
Weston & Sampson Featured in Climate Change Business Journal
Frank Ricciardi and Indrani Ghosh discuss resilient design standards and agency mandates driving climate change business, in Climate Change Business Journal.
Civil Engineering Today: Langone & Puopolo
Brandon Kunkel, RLA and Julie Eaton discuss sea level rise and climate resilient design elements at Langone Park and Puopolo Playground in Boston, MA.
Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness
Weston & Sampson is a Certified Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) provider.