Aerial photo of Broad Meadow Brook and surrounding neighborhoods.

Implementing green, gray, and watershed-wide stormwater solutions in the Broad Meadow Brook Watershed

The Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary (Figure 1) is the largest urban wildlife sanctuary in New England. The 435-acre natural area, in the southeast corner of Worcester, Massachusetts, is embedded in an urbanized landscape. The sanctuary is a partnership between the City of Worcester, National Grid, and the Massachusetts Audubon Society (Mass Audubon), which manages […]

Capital Repertory Theater Parking

Staying Afloat: Parking Lot Beats Runoff Challenges

A rule, known locally as the “Henry Hudson Rule,” brought roadblocks to project near Capital Repertory Theater in New York. By Amy McLean, RLA, ISA. LEED® GA; Kevin Kelly, RLA; Zachary Longo, PE After the Capital Repertory Theater near downtown Albany, New York wrapped up a recent project to revitalize its facilities, they had a […]