Transmission and Distribution Pipeline Relocation Project

12-inch transmission pressure steel pipeline

Utility Relocation Plans for NCDOT R-2507A/R-2583
Our firm provided utility conflict identification and relocation plans for NCDOT projects R-2507A/R-2583. We also provided transmission and distribution pipeline installation. These services were in support of NCDOT Roadway Improvement Project US 13/US 158 between Winton, North Carolina and Tarheel, North Carolina.

We developed a set of preliminary plans for the relocation of approximately four miles of 12-inch transmission pressure steel pipeline (R-2507A) and 1 mile of 6-inch distribution pipeline (R-2583). The pipelines were in conflict with proposed grading, drainage, and new pavement along the project corridor, as the existing highway was widened from two lanes to four. Re-location of the gas line consisted of a combination of open trench and horizontal directional drilling (HDD) methods to avoid wetland areas, lowland areas, and the interchange of US-13 and US-158. Work was performed on an accelerated schedule to comply with the Design Build Construction schedule.


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