Underground Parking Garage Flood Protection

Underground Parking Garage at Residence Inn, Boston Harbor

In 2014, Weston & Sampson installed three flood doors to protect electrical equipment and elevator rooms in the underground parking garage at the Residence Inn Boston Harbor on Tudor Wharf. The doors are water tight when closed and only allow minimal leakage when water levels reach 5-feet deep. Small containment areas and backup pumps were installed inside the doors to catch any residual leakage. The pumps were connected to the backup generator system. We also installed three louver air intake covers. The covers can be put over the louvers quickly before a flood to prevent flood water from entering the air intakes. The doors and louvers are specifically manufactured with gaskets for flood applications. Our team also installed concrete block to raise outdoor ground level air intakes by 24-inches.


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Posted in Climate Resilience, Energy-Sustainability-Resiliency, Infrastructure Resiliency, Resilient Design and tagged , , .