Wastewater Treatment Infrastructure Evaluation

20-Year Evaluation of Wastewater Collection, Pumping, and Treatment Facility

Weston & Sampson assisted the Town of Cavendish with a 20-year evaluation of its wastewater collection and treatment infrastructure.

The Cavendish collection system consists of approximately five miles of gravity sewer and one mile of force main with four duplex pump stations, serving a combined sewered population of approximately 1,000 users. The wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) flow capacity is 0.15 MGD and comprised of headworks, three aerated lagoons, chlorine contact tank for disinfection, and sodium bisulfite for neutralization prior to discharge to the Black River.

The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the condition of the infrastructure, identify improvements needed, and provide a list of recommendations, costs, and schedule for implementing the improvements.


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