Water Meter Evaluations and Programs

Water Meter Evaluation and Program Implementation

Weston & Sampson has worked with multiple communities in evaluating and replacing their meters and implementing meter reading systems.

Woburn Water Meter Replacement Program

The City of Woburn selected Weston & Sampson to design a residential meter replacement program. The 844 commercial accounts, with meters ranging in size from 5/8 to 4 inches, represent 5% of the total customers and 40% of the water use; 70% of the meters are at least 10 years old. The residential meters include installation of a fixed-network radio read system and replacement of 10,500 meters ranging from 5/8 to 2 inch.  Weston & Sampson prepared a request for proposals for supplying water meters fixed-network radio read systems and assisted the city with selecting a vendor.  We developed specifications for installing water meters and a reading system, and for conducting a large meter survey. Weston & Sampson worked with the town to develop a public/consumer information and education plan for the project.

Newton Water Meter and Meter Reading System Evaluation

To improve customer service through increased meter reading efficiency and reduce unaccounted-for water in the system, the City of Newton selected Weston & Sampson to evaluate their current water meter system. The city has 24,100 residential accounts and 900 commercial and industrial accounts, with meter sizes ranging from 5/8-inch to 8-inch. Over seventy five percent of the meters were at least 20 years old. Based on the review, Weston & Sampson recommended replacing all residential meters 15 years or older, implementing a program for right-sizing the commercial and industrial meters, and upgrading to a radio frequency automatic meter reading system. A two-step procurement process was recommended.

The City of Newton implemented a water meter replacement program that included installing a fixed network automatic meter reading (AMR) system. Weston & Sampson prepared a Request for Proposals (RFP) for supplying the water meters and AMR modules, and for supplying and installing the fixed network AMR system. Weston & Sampson assisted the city with selection of a vendor. Weston & Sampson developed an Invitation for Bid (IFB) for the installation of the water meters and AMR modules. Weston & Sampson provided construction administration services.


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Posted in Planning, Water.