Rutland, MA
Assistance with general wastewater engineering services.
Category Archives: Wastewater
Wastewater Program Management
Coventry, RI
Utility management, planning and engineering services to the Town of Coventry, Rhode Island, including wastewater management initiatives.
Wastewater Assessment CMOM Program
Chelsea, MA
Assessment of existing wastewater system activities as they relate to a formal Capacity, Management, Operation and Maintenance (CMOM) program.
Wastewater Treatment Infrastructure Evaluation
Cavendish, VT
20-year evaluation of wastewater collection, pumping, and treatment facility.
Wastewater Collection System Improvements
Woonsocket, RI
Wastewater collection system improvements including sewer system rehab and extension.
Evaluation of Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Systems
Stafford, CT
Evaluation of sanitary sewer and drainage systems.
Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation
Newton, MA
Document inventory of conditions and design plans for the Cochichuate Aqueduct sanitary sewer rehabilitation.
Sewer System Improvements
Lebanon, NH
Sewer system evaluation and improvements.
Wastewater Force Main Analysis
Collier County, FL
Hydraulic analysis of the force main and pumping system serving the Treviso Bay subdivision.
WPCA On-Call Services
Torrington, CT
On-call for WPCA, encompassing all phases of the design, permitting, bidding, and construction phases of sanitary sewer collection system projects.