Weston & Sampson understands the specific needs of public transportation agencies. To assist these clients, we have built a team of skilled professionals experienced in design, permitting, and construction oversight on highway, bridge, transit, complete streets, and bike/pedestrian trail projects along the East Coast.
Our responsive team of project managers, engineers, scientists, planners, stakeholder engagement experts, project controls experts, and construction oversight professionals is prepared to deliver high-quality projects. We believe that project success is driven by a collaborative, creative, goal-oriented approach to project design and implementation.
Our transportation experts understand the regulatory, budgetary, and public policy issues that are driving the sector today. These issues include an ongoing need to rehabilitate or replace aging public infrastructure; the determination to adapt to climate change through resiliency enhancements and carbon emissions reduction strategies; the desire to increase alternative travel modes including bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities; and a growing emphasis on equity, access, and environmental justice.
Transportation officials can trust our interdisciplinary firm to effectively manage schedule, regulatory, and budget risks through our emphasis on safety, quality, client and stakeholder collaboration, creativity, effective communications, and responsiveness.
Weston & Sampson’s comprehensive offerings include:
- Roadway/Highway Design
- Bridges & Structures
- Transportation Planning & Traffic
- Utility Design & Coordination
- Site/Civil
- Buildings/Structures
- Environmental Permitting & NEPA
- Stormwater & Drainage
- Geotechnical
- Climate Resiliency
- Stakeholder, Regulatory, & Public Engagement Support
- Landscape Architecture
News & Highlights
Contact Our Transportation Experts to learn more about how we can assist your community
Weston & Sampson’s staff have worked on more than 1,000 miles of roadway in the last 15 years
We have more than 80 transportation staff along the East Coast
Our staff have worked on more than $500 million (constructed value) of bridges in the last 15 years
Roadway & Highway Design
- Interstate and expressway design
- State primary and secondary roadway design
- Local town and community road design
- Complete streets
- Bridge replacements
- Roundabouts
- Pavement and pavement foundation analysis and design
- Rehabilitation and design for new construction
- Off-ramp design
- Streetscape enhancements, multi-use pedestrian trails, and linear parks
Main Street Reconstruction & Rehabilitation
Beacham Street and Williams Street Utility and Roadway Improvements
Replacement of Two-Lane Rural Bridge
NCDOT Resiliency
Ireland Street Bridge, Chesterfield, MA
Civil / Site Services
Design Build Widening of I-485 from West of I-77 to SR 1143, Charlotte, NC
East End Connector in Durham, NC
Bridges & Structures
- Accelerated bridge construction
- Culverts and drainage structures
- Interstate and expressway bridges
- Local town and community bridges
- Pedestrian bridges
- Retaining walls / modular unit walls / sheeting design
- State primary and secondary route bridges
- Bridge preservation & rehabilitation
Replacement of Two-Lane Rural Bridge
Bridge Rehabilitation Projects
Maskwonicut Street Bridge – Single-Span Bridge Design and Engineering
Comprehensive Services for Bridge Replacement
Ireland Street Bridge, Chesterfield, MA
Civil / Site Services
Culvert Replacement with Arch Bridge
Steel Bridge Rehabilitation
Transportation Planning & Traffic
- Parking studies
- Corridor studies
- Community and statewide master plans
- Comprehensive development plans
- Roadway and intersection capacity analysis
- Signal warrant analysis
- Signing and pavement marking inventory design
- Traffic calming studies and design
- Traffic impact and access studies
- Traffic monitoring reports
- Traffic signal design
- Trip generation studies
- Work zone traffic management design
- Safety analysis
- Alternative impact fee analysis
Utility Design & Utility Coordination
- Coordination of relocation of all types of utility lines, including overhead & underground electric, signalization, gas, water, sewer, and communications
- Water line and sewer line relocation design and permitting
- HDD design of pipelines
- Geotechnical investigation for trenchless technologies
- Meter reading modernization
- Pump Station design
- Smart grid implementation
- Utility appraisal & cost responsibility analysis reports and authorization
- Rail and light rail utility conflict resolution
- Railroad permitting for utility encroachments
- Utility conflict analysis
- Execute utility relocation agreements
- Utility easement needs determination
- Environmental impact plans for utilities
- Utility relocation & construction cost estimates
- Utility relocation schedules
- Utility risk analysis & inventory reports
- EV charging stations
- Conceptual design
- Construction management
- Environmental assessment and remediation
- Land use planning
- Landscape architecture
- Permitting
- Planning and pre-development support
- Resource protection
- Site and infrastructure design and engineering
- Smart growth and cluster design
- Parking lot design
Buildings & Structures
- Structural analysis and design
- Building condition assessments and evaluations
- Structural rehabilitation
- Construction engineering & observation
- Non-building structures
- Temporary construction works
- Retaining walls
- Seismic evaluation and design
- Parking structures
DPW Planning, Design, and Construction – Medford, MA
New DPW and Parks & Recreation Facility – Burlington, MA
New Public Works Facility – Longmeadow, MA
Consolidated Department of Public Works & Natural Resources Facility – Orleans, MA
Public Works Facility – Middleborough, MA
Lee County Structural Assessment of Building
Lee County Structural Assessment of Garage
New Public Works Facility – Yarmouth, MA
Environmental Permitting & NEPA
- Environmental Assessments (EA)/ Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) documents
- Categorical Exclusion (CE)
- Minimum Criteria Checklists
- Community Impact Assessments
- Indirect & Cumulative Effects Assessments
- Bicycle & pedestrian planning studies
- Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Multimodal Planning
- Permitting
- Public engagement
- Visualization
Depot Street Bridge Design
Bridge Rehabilitation Projects
Maskwonicut Street Bridge – Single-Span Bridge Design and Engineering
Civil / Site Services
East End Connector in Durham, NC
NCDOT EA Document for U-2545 Davidson County, NC
NCDOT U-5503 Morrisville-Carpenter Road Improvements
Downtown Roadway Reconstruction On Broad and Park Streets
Stormwater & Drainage
- Roadside drainage
- Major drainage crossings
- Pipe, culvert, and channel analysis
- Retention/detention basins
- Stream Hydraulics
- Scour and Stream Channel Erosion Mitigation
- Watershed Hydrology
- FEMA Coordination (CLOMR/LOMR)
- Pavement design
- Building & bridge foundations
- Deep and shallow foundations
- Ground improvement technologies
- Embankments
- GRS-IBS design
- Roadways on dams and dikes
- Culverts, scour, and revetment design
- Slope stabilization systems and rehabilitations
- Retaining wall design
- Support of excavation wall design and groundwater control
- Geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring
- Vibration Monitoring
- Pipeline boring programs and trenchless technologies
- Infrastructure design and rehabilitation
- Utility corridor support
Replacement of Two-Lane Rural Bridge
Bridge Rehabilitation Projects
Arbor Way Repair – Retaining Wall Assessment and Engineering
Maskwonicut Street Bridge – Single-Span Bridge Design and Engineering
Ireland Street Bridge, Chesterfield, MA
Flatbush Avenue Connector – Roadway Realignment
Savoy Black Brook Road – Reconstruction and Slope Stabilization
Airline Trail – Multidisciplinary Bridge Design Services
Climate Resiliency
- Climate modeling
- Design & adaptation
- Design guidelines
- Mitigation & sustainability
- Municipal vulnerability preparedness
- Planning
- Public engagement
- Risk & vulnerability assessments
Stakeholder, Regulatory, & Public Engagement Support
- Commitment to inclusion, diversity, equity, and access
- Data visualization and fact sheets
- Dynamic multimedia formats including videos, social media, mapping, and webpage content
- Focus groups and interviews
- Hosting site walks/tours
- Identifying stakeholders and building partnerships
- In-person workshops and open houses
- Interactive engagement games and coloring pages
- Online and in-person polling and surveys
- Print media
- Synthesizing stakeholder feedback
- Translation, interpretation, and captioning support
- Virtual workshops, open houses, webinars, and related technical support
- Visualization (renderings, flythroughs, etc.)
Main Street Reconstruction & Rehabilitation
Depot Street Bridge Design
Commuter Rail Parking Facility at Ayer Rail Parking Lot
Maskwonicut Street Bridge – Single-Span Bridge Design and Engineering
Online Engagement for Stormwater Management
Boston Common Master Plan
Lumion Virtual Models
Waterfront Park Master Plan
Landscape Architecture
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-related design services
- Downtown village centers and streetscapes
- Illustrative graphics & renderings
- Increased/prioritized safe pedestrian circulation & domains
- Multi-use trails and greenway systems
- Parkways and roadways
- Urban redevelopment
- Streetscapes